

  1. RSCC回家RSCC回家
  2. 招生办公室
  3. 成功的教练
前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请! 注册在线课程或传统课程.前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请!. 注册在线课程或传统课程.
田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.
提供在线学位. 在线教育可以让你灵活地选择适合自己的课程.提供在线学位. 在线教育可以让你灵活地选择适合自己的课程.



我怎么知道谁是我孩子的成功教练呢? 我可以联系这个人吗?

In early March, high school seniors are able to see their coach’s name in their RaiderNet accounts. 当他们申请时,他们已经收到了如何设置/登录RaiderNet的说明. 通过点击那个人的名字, 学生可以访问他们的联系信息和他们的约会日历. 考虑到FERPA法规, college officials must work directly with students and not with parents acting as intermediaries. 学生们被鼓励联系他们的教练有问题或担忧. 如果学生希望邀请他们的父母一起赴约,那绝对没问题. 学生 are also free to forward emails to their parents that they’ve received from their coaches, 教练还可以与多人进行缩放/网络摄像头或电话预约, 只要学生在场.


最初,你的儿子或女儿会收到一封来自他或她的成功教练的欢迎邮件. That email will be sent to the personal email address that he or she listed on the application, 所以让他们检查邮箱账户是很重要的. 教练偶尔会通过短信或电话联系你. 应用程序上列出的主要手机号码是我们将使用的那个.


Make sure they check their email account—including a SPAM or JUNK filter/folder to make sure they don’t have a welcome email, 如果是在三月初之后. 如果没有欢迎邮件,可以找到, your student should click on their coach’s name in RaiderNet to access the coach’s contact info, 或者电子邮件, 给教练发短信或打电话. Coaches WANT to hear from their students and will work to fix any communication issues in cases where we have the wrong number or email address in the system.




我无法访问我的RaiderNet/我的RaiderNet帐户被锁定. 谁能帮助我??

打电话给我们 电脑服务台. 打电话时要确保能上网. 确保你手边有你的r#(学生证号码)或你的社会安全号码.


你的成功教练的名字会出现在你的RaiderNet账号中. 单击该名称可查看联系信息并安排约会. 如果你是高中生, you will not be able to see this person’s name until early March and you will need to wait until then to reach out.

我的父母有问题. 他们能来参加我的成功教练预约吗?

确定! 如果你不介意,那我们也不介意. As the student, you must be present during any interaction or conversation we have with your parents. 现在你上大学了, 你自己——而不是你的父母——负责你的注册, 金融援助, 以及一般的教育.


如果你还没有见过你的成功教练, we will discuss your choice of major (and give you the opportunity to change the major you listed on your application) at that time. 如果你申请的专业不正确,也不用担心. 当我们和你见面时,我们会解决这个问题. 如果你已经注册了, you’ll need to set up an appointment with your coach so that you can review DegreeWorks together and talk about how this may change 你预期的毕业日期, 你的选课, 还有你的经济援助. 你必须和你的教练讨论所有的重大变化.


没关系! 许多大学生对于自己想从事什么职业并没有明确的想法. 你的成功教练可以根据你的兴趣和技能帮助你思考选择, 你也可以选择通识作为你的专业.



The first step is submitting the correct aid year FAFSA and selecting Roane State as the school (we must be listed first if you list multiple schools). 一旦你做到了, you will have additional 金融援助 requirements linked in your RaiderNet alerts box that you need to complete. It is important that you check RaiderNet often in case additional requirements are added to your file.

Your Success Coach will help explain the requirements and give you advice on how to obtain certain documentation that might be required. 一旦你的需求都提交了, the Financial Aid Office and potentially the US Department of Education will review your aid file to determine what types of scholarships and grants you might be eligible for. 你可以在RaiderNet的“你的经济援助”链接下找到相关信息.

你的成功教练会告诉你你将获得的任何经济援助奖励的信息, including how to remain eligible for those awards from semester to semester and year to year. Coaches can also help you determine what you might owe “out of pocket” or what kind of refund you can expect, 这取决于你有资格获得多少援助. 成功的教练 cannot estimate your potential aid amounts before your FAFSA has been verified and your aid file is complete.

The sooner you complete your requirements, the sooner you will have access to actual aid amounts.

我怎样才能找到上课用的书呢? 书要多少钱?

看到 为你的课程准备书籍 网页

有时你需要在数字媒体和物理媒体之间做出选择, 在新书和旧书之间, 是租房还是买房. 有时候只有一个选择. 有时 the material may already be charged to your Student Account (it will tell you if the item has already been charged to your account and reserved for you) but most of the time, 你单独买书.

Some students have enough aid that they are able to charge items in the bookstore to their 金融援助. 这通常是允许在上课前一周到第一周的课程结束. 如果你不确定你是否有多余的帮助,请咨询你的成功教练.


No. 请务必将车停在学生专用停车场.


在您的所有申请贝博体育都已提交和处理之后, 你的登记被取消了. 如果这是你第一次注册,你需要预约你的成功教练. 如果你是在读学生, you must obtain a PIN from your Success Coach which can only be provided after a review of your proposed class schedule. 夏季和秋季报名通常在四月初开始. 春季报名通常在11月初开始.



联系你的成功教练. Your coach will want to make sure you understand how the change will affect your course registration, 你预期的毕业日期, 还有你的经济援助. You can run a “What If” scenario in your DegreeWorks profile to view the new program’s requirements. 如果一个学期已经开始了, 您的更改将在该学期的成绩发布后才会被处理.


有时. 在这方面,每个学生的情况都不一样. 这取决于你使用的辅助工具的类型, 你注册的学分数, 当你在这学期退学的时候. 有些课程如果不放弃必修课就不能放弃. 除了GPA的影响,还有很多因素需要考虑. Always speak to your Success Coach before making a decision to drop or withdraw—even if you are convinced you will fail the course.


您将需要您的注册密码, 如果您符合TN承诺/重新连接资格, 你将需要你的成功教练来移除注册保留. 请与您的成功教练讨论所有退出,并咨询 校历 查看每个学期的退课截止日期.


如果你有资格获得超额资助退款(并非所有学生都有资格), 商务办公室将在课程第二周后开始处理这些申请. 你必须被标记为参加了所有的课程才能获得退款. 如果你有学生贷款, your excess aid may be processed in separate installments or later than other types of aid if you haven’t yet completed your entrance loan counseling and MPN.

The default refund method is a paper check mailed to the address on file (the address appearing in your RaiderNet). You can sign up for electronic refunds via RaiderNet > Your Account > Your Tuition and Fees > Login/Touchnet Student Account Suite > Refund Account Setup. You will enroll in Two-Step Verification first and then you will be able to submit your banking information.

需要帮助? 联系你的成功教练.

我可以从课堂的一个部分切换到另一个部分(或者从一个老师切换到另一个老师)吗, 或者从现场转到网上,反之亦然)?

If a class has already started, you may not switch from one format or one instructor to another. 你可以放弃已经开始的课程, but you may not add classes that have started—even if it’s a different section of the same course. 如果你有问题,请联系你的成功教练.


看到 请求更换成功教练 网页

为什么要把我调到顾问职位? 我能和我的成功教练在一起吗?

We realize that many students form bonds with their coaches and are hesitant and anxious about being transitioned. 不要害怕! Faculty advisors are trained and equipped to assist students who have been admitted to competitive healthcare 贝博体育 or are well on their way to graduation and/or transfer to a four-year school. Roane State has developed a blended model for advising with new students assigned to coaches and experienced students assigned to faculty advisors in their major/program. 你的新顾问会把你照顾得很好.



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