

RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
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RSCC 政策 PA-07-01; 休假

保单号码: PA-07-01
主题: 休假
  1. 目的
    The purpose of this policy is to establish the criteria 和 process regarding leaves of absence for employees of 贝博体育.

  2. 政策
    这是罗安州立社区学院(RSCC)的政策,提供批准, 正式员工因生病或受伤而无薪休假, 或累积年假和/或病假不足的雇员的残疾, 为教育目的休假, 并因正当的个人原因离职. (参考RSCC政策PA-11-01,育儿假. 访问完整详细的RSCC策略PA-11-01,网址为 bf.wedding-web-sites.com/policies/.

  3. 休假

    1. Leave of absence as referred to in this policy shall include any period of administrative leave with pay up to a maximum of 90 days, pending an institutional review or investigation or leave in a non-pay status or athletic competition leave as defined below.
    2. Administrative leave with pay must be approved by the president following review by the office of Human Resources.
    3. Leave of absence shall be granted for any period (which may exceed one (1) year) when an employee transfers to another TBR institution or to TBR's system office 和 requests to be placed on leave of absence.
    4. 无薪休假, 不超过一(1)年, 在不需要解雇雇员的情况下,雇员的合理缺勤可以被批准吗.
    5. Factors to be considered in determining whether 它是 desirable to not terminate the employee 和 to approve leave of absence without pay include whether:

      1. there are extraordinary circumstances present that justify keeping a position open or vacant 和 preserving it for that employee;
      2. 它是, 客观地,从商业的角度来看, in the college’s best interest to retain the employee because of demonstrated contributions to the department, 和
      3. the employee performs a unique service or has unique qualifications that are required for the position.
    6. 休假须经校长或其指定人员批准, 和 any additional leave must be approved by the chancellor upon the recommendation of the president.
    7. Employees who request an unpaid leave of absence due to a Family 和 Medical Leave Act (FMLA) qualifying event shall have their leave processed in accordance with the provisions of policy PA-05-01 regarding eligibility, 续保, 父母双方都是国家雇员的最长休假时间, 等. 访问完整详细的RSCC政策PA-05-01,家庭和医疗休假政策 bf.wedding-web-sites.com/policies/.

    8. If an employee is not eligible for FMLA leave or the period of the leave exceeds the FMLA maximum, the remaining balance of the leave shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of this policy.
    9. 除了, an employee who is on an unpaid leave of absence which does not qualify as FMLA leave shall be responsible for paying both the employee 和 employer portion of insurance premiums.
    10. While on leave of absence for educational purposes or other justifiable personal reasons other than non-qualifying FMLA leave, 疾病, 受伤, 或残疾, 员工保留累积年假和病假, 但不赚取或累积额外的年假或病假. 除了, an employee on leave of absence is not entitled to compensation for 官方 holidays occurring within the leave period.

      An employee who has qualified for Workers' Compensation may retain accumulated annual 和 sick leave.

    11. 除先前确定的休假政策外,根据T.C.A. § 8-50-1101, 有资格作为美国代表队参加体育比赛的公职人员, 在世界上, 全美洲的 or Olympic level in a sport contest in either 全美洲的 或奥林匹克竞赛s are eligible to request a leave of absence with or without pay for the purpose of preparing for 和 engaging in the competitions just described.

      1. 团队的定义是指任何一个团队的领导者, 教练, 官方, 代表美国参加世界运动会的官方代表团的运动员, 全美洲的, 或奥林匹克竞赛.
      2. In no event shall the total of all such leave exceed the period of the 官方 training camp 和 competition combined plus a reasonable amount of travel or 90 calendar days a year whichever is less.
      3. 根据本条准予休假应由公共雇主酌情决定.
      4. 为了有资格参加体育比赛,公务员必须:

        1. Be actively working for the public employer from whom the leave is requested at the time the request is made;
        2. Request such leave of absence a reasonable period prior to the date the public employee wishes the leave to commence;
        3. 在请求的时候, 雇员应向雇主提供竞赛的实际或预期日期, the dates of the 官方 training camp 和 specify the total number of leave days that will be necessary in order for the public employee to participate;
        4. The public employee must provide satisfactory evidence of qualification 和 selection for participation.
    12. An employee of RSCC who is a member of the United States Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol who participates in a training program for the civil air patrol, 或者在紧急和灾难服务中, shall be entitled to a leave of absence with pay for a period of not more than fifteen (15) days during a calendar year for such purposes if the leave of absence is at the request of the employee’s wing comm和er or the wing comm和er’s designated representative.

      1. Any leave of absence pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any other leave of the employee.
      2. 员工的所有其他权利和福利, 包括工龄权, 保险金, 健康保险福利, 诚信服务及所有其他权利和利益, 应继续.
      3. The employee may be granted leave pursuant to the provisions of this act with or without pay subject to the complete discretion of the employer.
      4. 如果本章规定的休假是带薪的, the employee retains accumulated annual 和 sick leave 和 continues to earn or accrue additional annual 和 sick leave.
      5. The employee is also entitled to compensation for 官方 holidays occurring with the leave period.
      6. 如果休假是无薪的, 员工保留累积年假和病假, 但不赚取或累积额外的年假或病假.
      7. The employee on leave of absence without pay is not entitled to compensation for 官方 holidays occurring within the leave period.
      8. 这个请求必须得到RSCC主席的批准.

Should there be a conflict between this policy 和 TBR policy or guidelines then the TBR policy or guideline will supersede.

修订生效日期: 09/26/2022
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 01/11/1988
批准人: Cuyler一. 邓巴,总统
办公室负责: 商务副总裁 & 金融
综述: 09/19/2022


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