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RSCC 政策 AA-13-01; 图书馆 Collection Development Criteria

Roane State 社区 College
保单号码: AA-13-01
主题: 图书馆 Collection Development Criteria
  1. 介绍
    RSCC政策编号AA-13-01说明了收集开发活动选择的标准, weeding and inventory of print, 电子, and library materials for the Roane State 社区 College library will occur. This policy is to be reviewed every three years.
  2. 政策
    图书馆收藏的存在是为了支持罗安州立社区学院(RSCC)作为其社区选择的高等教育中心的使命, 为学生提供最高标准的教育质量,无论他们生活和工作在哪里. The goal of collection development is to offer students, 教师, 工作人员, and area residents access to a variety of relevant print, 媒体, and 电子 resources. 该收藏力求包括适合文化多样化的大学社区的信息和研究资源,并提供吸引和解决不同学习风格和教育水平的材料. 该系列通过提供广泛主题的平衡呈现来支持课程.

    图书馆服务署长负责图书馆馆藏的质素,并对图书馆资料的选择拥有最终批核权. RSCC图书馆员领导馆藏建设活动,作为一个团队积极参与馆藏建设活动. 图书馆员负责及时了解大学社区的信息需求, including changes in college curriculum and program offerings at all locations. 大学社区的任何成员都可以推荐要添加到馆藏中的书目.
  3. Format consideration of library materials
    Content is the primary consideration in selection decisions. 当同一信息有多种格式可用时,以及当某一特定格式在提供对所提供信息的访问方面可能具有显著优势时,应将格式视为一种标准. Format may also be a consideration in terms of technological issues, such as compatibility with existing library equipment and systems. New formats may be considered for the collection when industry reports, 全国调查结果, 或者本地请求表明,社区中很大一部分人拥有使用新格式所需的技术.
  4. New Materials Selection Criteria
    The following are criteria used in collection development decisions.
    1. 一般标准:
      1. The anticipated demand for the material
      2. The strength or weakness of the subject area in the existing library collection
      3. Relevance to the instructional and work-related needs of the students and 教师
      4. 及时性
      5. 权威性
      6. Accuracy and validity of the information
      7. The technical excellence, durability and readability of the format
      8. The author's reputation and significance as a writer
      9. Inclusion of the title in recognized bibliographies
      10. Cost of the material (on a one-time or continuing basis)
      11. Priority to English langu年龄 materials except in foreign langu年龄 courses
      12. Cover年龄 in readily accessible indexes
      13. Evaluations of the material from standard or knowledgeable review 媒体
      14. Availability of materials on the subject
      15. Accessibility and comprehensibility of the information to the user
      16. Faculty suggestion or recommendation
    2. Additional criteria applicable to 电子 formats:
      1. Accessibility on and off campus
      2. Need for 工作人员 and user training
      3. Compatibility with existing library systems
      4. Current and projected database requirements
      5. Technical support offered by database producer
      6. Overall user friendliness in database access
      7. Whether the resource provides full-text, abstract, or bibliographic information
  5. 礼物
    图书馆征集和鼓励礼物和金钱捐赠,没有任何限制. 所有捐赠给图书馆的礼物成为RSCC图书馆的财产,不退还给捐赠者. Gift books are added to the collection using the same criteria as new materials. Any gifts not added to the collection will be sold, 交换, donated or discarded as deemed appropriate by the professional library 工作人员. 图书馆职员会提供收到资料的确认信,但不会评估资料的捐赠价值.
  6. 多个副本
    由于贝博体育在田纳西州东部有几个校区,因此可能需要在多个校区提供多份副本. 在一般情况下, 除非预计图书馆的主要用户会大量使用该图书,否则不会在同一地点购买多本. Requests for multiple copies will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
  7. 失去了, Missing or Dam年龄d Materials
    失去了, 失踪, 损坏的材料或其他材料不会自动更换,但要遵守新材料选择的相同标准.
  8. 教科书
    The library will not typically purchase textbooks, 教练指导, 手册, lab manuals or other consumable materials to support current course offerings. 例外情况可能包括那些被认为是关于某一特定主题的最佳信息来源的贝博体育,或者如果该贝博体育满足了证明的需要. 图书馆可以接受捐赠的教科书或类似物品,但不得是促销样书. The library can not accept promotional sample copies.
  9. 除草
    除草 refers to the continuous process by which items are withdrawn from the collection. 除草 extends to all materials in the library collection.
    The following are criteria used in weeding decisions:
    1. Material contains outdated or inaccurate information.
    2. 材料不再满足课程需要(贝博体育或研究领域不再强调或终止).
    3. Older materials not considered classics.
    4. Materials with little or no circulation.
    5. Materials no longer used by 教师 for teaching purposes.
    6. Superseded editions of materials.
    7. Worn out or dam年龄d materials.
  10. 库存
  11. 知识自由
    贝博体育图书馆肯定知识自由的重要性,认为这是在民主社会中履行其教育使命的基本原则. 图书馆还确认,正如国际图书馆协会和机构联合会(IFLA)关于图书馆和知识自由的声明所述,“致力于知识自由是图书馆和信息职业的核心责任”. The library firmly endorses the American 图书馆 Association’s 图书馆 Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Statement and Challenged Materials statement.
  12. Reconsideration of 图书馆 Materials
    The library collects materials that represent differing opinions on controversial matters. Selection is made without partisanship regarding controversial matters. 偶尔, 图书馆用户可能会质疑某一特定贝博体育是否适合罗安州立图书馆的馆藏. 图书馆将提供一个程序,让图书馆用户可以以书面形式提出具体的投诉,图书馆可以评估投诉的价值,并制定适当的回应.
  13. Specific objections to items in the library collection must be submitted in writing. 正式要求从图书馆馆藏中移走藏品的处理方法如下:
    1. 图书馆 user completes the Request for Reconsideration of 图书馆 Resources form. The library user must complete the entire form, 提供全名, 当前的联系信息和其他详细信息,以便图书馆可以与读者进一步沟通.
    2. The completed form is submitted to the Director of 图书馆 Services.
    3. The Director of 图书馆 Services reviews the complaint.
    4. No fewer than three Roane State librarians (including the director) review the complaint, the material in question and supplemental review materials as available.
    5. 图书管理员讨论请求的价值,并向图书馆服务主任提供建议的行动方案.
    6. 图书馆服务处处长可肯定所建议的行动方案,或选择不同的行动方案.
    7. 图书馆服务处处长将最后决定转达给提出请求的读者.
    8. 除非该资料不符合任何新资料选择的标准,否则不会被移出图书馆.

Revision Date Effective: 12/17/2007
修订批准人: 加里·高夫,总统
Original Date Effective: 01/11/1988
批准人: Cuyler一. 邓巴,总统
办公室负责: Vice President Student Learning
综述: 06/22/2017


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